About Jared

Hi! I’m Jared Heidemann, a marketing director, and photographer in Des Moines, IA. I grew up in Ankeny, where my beautiful wife, Kelly, and I are raising our three children and fur pups. Grace, Carter, and Leah are the pride and joy of our family. I quickly became “that dad” with thousands of photos of his children on his phone… and I love it. Altogether, I consider myself extremely lucky and can’t wait to watch them grow up.

Working with me.

As a marketing director, I am responsible for the image we portray to our clients. From standard print materials to our website, I became passionate about finding ways to improve how our clients think of us and the story we tell through different mediums. One area of focus became our online portfolio. Our library of images was lacking, and I knew it would be a lot of work, but that I could build it up one project at a time.

I began photographing our projects and was in for a rude awakening. The intricate details of composition, lighting, staging and even photoshoot coordination were foreign to me. It was obvious that this would be a long journey to reach the quality I wanted to produce. You could say I became obsessed. I began shooting everything, taking allllll of the online tutorials, studying photographs I loved from photographers local and around the world, and slowly but surely, I began to see results.

Over the years, my skills and knowledge have transformed into a creative toolbox I’m able to utilize at every shoot. I’m able to plan a shoot from start to finish – and more importantly – able to throw that plan out the window when a curveball comes our way. I’ve developed a very critical eye – at times even overly critical. My clients find that this works in their favor. I obsess over my images until they reach the standard my clients have grown to expect. I’m proud to be able to offer each client this level of service. Below are a few types of projects my clients and I have completed together over the years.

  • Architectural

  • Brand Identity

  • Commercial Real Estate

  • Custom Portraits

  • Families

  • Headshots

  • Product

  • Real Estate

Every project is unique. I recommend reaching out to me to discuss yours. Together I’m confident we can create something amazing!
